Main Article Content

A. Z. Tairov
T. E. Sorokina
D. U. Abdibekov
A. Tоlеkova


Kazakhstan's statehood, its formation and development are stated. The effort of the Kazakh side in improving environmental well-being and ensuring socio-economic development of the Aral region is shown. The role of Russian geographical science in the results of long-term comprehensive studies (monitoring) of the delta reservoirs of Syrdaria, systematized and generalized for the first time into 6 large lake systems (groups), is reflected. In the course of experimental field studies, distinctive features and features characteristic of hydrographic networks of arid zones were revealed – hydrological and hydrochemical regime, morphological feature, intensity of water exchange processes, specificity of functioning, etc., which had not been previously identified. Attention is paid to the protection of water resources and the preservation of the aquatic ecosystem, in the effectiveness of which monitoring studies play a key role. The good-neighborly and peace-loving foreign policy of Kazakhstan, leading to close interaction and cooperation, including between scientific communities, was noted.

Article Details

Author Biographies

A. Z. Tairov, Institute of geography and water security

PhD, Senior researcher laboratory of water supply of natural and economic systems and
mathematical modeling

T. E. Sorokina, Institute of geography and water security

PhD, Senior researcher laboratory of water supply of natural and economic systems and
mathematical modeling

D. U. Abdibekov, Institute of geography and water security

Researcher laboratory of water supply of natural and economic systems and mathematical modeling

A. Tоlеkova, Institute of geography and water security

Researcher laboratory of water supply of natural and economic systems and mathematical modeling