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Nazgul Medeshova
Marina Utegenova
Adil Orynbek
Ergali Auelkhan
Yermek Murtazin


The topic of radiation safety is relevant for Kazakhstan given the Soviet history of nuclear testing. However, radiation indicators also depend on many other factors, both man-made and natural. The results of comprehensive research on the territory of Northern Turgai, which is part of the Turgai trough, are presented. Administratively, the research area occupies most of the Kostanay region, from the south-west the Aktobe region, in the east the North Kazakhstan and Akmola regions. An integrated approach to the study of radiation safety was used, taking into account the geological situation and anthropogenic load of the region.

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Author Biographies

Nazgul Medeshova, Satbayev University, Institute of Geological Sciences named after K. I. Satpayev

PhD student, junior researcher, researcher (Satbayev University, Institute of Geological Sciences named after K. I. Satpayev, Almaty Hydrogeology, Almaty, Kazakhstan,

Marina Utegenova , Satbayev University, Institute of Geophysical Research

PhD student, junior researcher (Satbayev University Institute of Geophysical Research, Almaty, Kazakhstan,

Adil Orynbek , JSC «Volkovgeologiya»

Chief hydrogeologist (JSC "Volkovgeologiya", Almaty, Kazakhstan,

Ergali Auelkhan , Institute of Geological Sciences named after K. I. Satpayev, Satbayev University

Candidate of technical sciences, head of department (Satbayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan,

Yermek Murtazin , Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geoscience named after U. M. Ahmedsafin

Сandidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, deputy director (Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geoscience named after U. M. Ahmedsafin, Almaty, Kazakhstan,


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