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Stara Tarikhazer
Seymour Mamedov
Zernura Gamidova


The article uses a quantitative method to analyze dangerous landslide processes occurring in the mudflow-prone Agsuchay River basin, taking into account the active development of tourism and recreational activities in the Shamakhi-Ismayilli region. In order to identify landslide susceptibility and the potential manifestation of landslides, the “weight” of 9 factors associated with landslides was determined, including hypsometry, slope angles (slope steepness), slope exposure, geological structure (lithology), distance from faults, average annual precipitation, distance to the erosion networks, distance to roads and land use. By summing up all the landslide formation factors without exception and multiplying them by their “weight”, a map of landslide susceptibility of the mudflow-prone Agsuchay River basin was compiled. The reliability of the obtained models was assessed using the AUC ROC (area under the error curve) analysis, which showed a fairly high efficiency (up to 72 %) of the applied method.

Article Details

Dangerous exogeodynamic processes
Author Biographies

Stara Tarikhazer, Institute of Geography named after academician G. A. Aliyev

Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chief Researcher

(Institute of Geography named after academician G. A. Aliyev, Baku, Azerbaijan

Seymour Mamedov, Production Association "Azneft", SOCAR

Candidate of Geographical Sciences (Azneft Production Association, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan

Zernura Gamidova, Institute of Geography named after academician G. A. Aliyev

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher

(Institute of Geography named after academician G. A. Aliyev, Baku, Azerbaijan,


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