Main Article Content

Akhmetkal Medeu
Sayat Alimkulov
Lyazzat Makhmudova
Gaukhar Baspakova


The article considers the key aspects of optimization of the composition and placement of the hydrological network of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of ensuring sustainable monitoring of water resources. The main attention is paid to the preservation of reference (long-row) observation points necessary for territorial generalizations, development of methods for hydrological calculations and forecasts, as well as assessment of long-term changes in the hydrological regime in the context of climate change. The scientific study emphasizes the importance of increasing the number of information posts to improve the reliability of hydrological forecasts and warnings of hazardous phenomena, equipping the hydrological network with modern equipment in strategically important areas, and restoring specialized observation points for experimental research. The implementation of the proposed measures will meet the current and future needs of the economy for hydrological information, as well as improve the accuracy and reliability of hydrological calculations and forecasts.

Article Details

Hydrology and water management
Author Biographies

Akhmetkal Medeu, JSC "Institute of Geography and Water Security"

Academician NAS RK, Doctor in Geography, Chairman of the Board (JSC «Institute of geography and water security», Almaty, Kazakhstan;

Sayat Alimkulov, JSC «Institute of Geography and Water Security»

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Chairman of the Board (JSC «Institute of Geography and water security», Almaty, Kazakhstan;

Lyazzat Makhmudova, JSC «Institute of Geography and Water Security»

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, associate Professor, Leading Researcher (JSC «Institute of Geography and water security», Almaty, Kazakhstan;

Gaukhar Baspakova, JSC «Institute of Geography and Water Security»

PhD, Senior Researcher (JSC «Institute of Geography and water security», Almaty, Kazakhstan;


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