About the journal "Geography and Water Resources"

The journal "Geography and Water Resources" is a continuation of the journal "Issues of Geography and Geoecology", founded in 2007. The journal is published quarterly, both in paper form, with a circulation of 300 copies, and electronically. The founder and publisher of the journal is JSC "Institute of Geography and Water Security" (Almaty).

The purpose of the journal is to provide comprehensive coverage of topical issues of geographical science.

The tasks

  1. coverage of new results of scientific research in the field of geography. 1.
  2. Publication of results of applied and fundamental research.
  3. Publication of scientific researches of young scientists.

The journal publishes articles in Russian, Kazakh and English languages, which present new results of theoretical and applied research on geographical topics:

- tectonics and seismology

- paleogeography and geomorphology

- climatology and meteorology

- hydrology and water management

- glaciology and geocryology

- Land resources, landscape science and environmental management

- recreational geography and tourism

- geoecology

- geoinformation technologies

- economic geography

- toponymy

The editorial board of the journal includes leading Kazakhstani and foreign scientists, experts in various fields of geographical science.

All scientific articles are checked for unauthorized borrowings (plagiarism) and double-blind reviewing procedure to ensure the quality of publications.

Scientific journal "Geography and Water Resources" is included in the List of editions recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the publication of the main results of scientific activity, according to the order № 288 from February 29, 2024.

The journal is indexed in the Kazakhstan citation database JSC "National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise", as well as in the Russian citation databases (e-Library) and CyberLeninka.

Journal articles are indexed in the CrossRef database and each article is assigned DOI - international digital identifier of scientific publication, provides citation and serves as a permanent reference to the location of the article.

The journal follows the policy of information openness and accessibility, all articles are posted on the journal's website in full access.


Certificate of registration of publication No. 8243-Zh dated April 5, 2007.

Reregistration No. KZ48VPY0036995 of June 23, 2021.

Issued by the Committee of Information

Ministry of Information and Public Development

Republic of Kazakhstan

ISSN 2957-9856 (online version)

ISSN 2957-8280 (printed version)

Periodicity: 4 issues per year


Executive Secretary

Naurozbayeva Zhanar Kuanyshevna

Telephones: +7 701 368 64 18

E-mail: naurozbaeva.zhanar@mail.ru

Editorial office address

г. Almaty, 99 Pushkin str.

+7 (727) 291 81 29



"Institute of Geography and Water Security"
