Climate change in natural areas of the Turkestan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Main Article Content

Zhumakhan Mustafayev
Askhat Tuletayev
Gulnar Aldazhanova


The article presents the scientific results of a study to assess climate change in natural areas of the Turkestan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan based on long-term climate data for 1940-2020 from meteorological stations located in the region. In the course of the study, proven domestic, international and proprietary methods were used to assess climate change in natural areas based on the construction of graphs of a fixed time series of climate indicators and the resulting linear trend equations. The results of the study showed that average annual air temperatures in all natural zones of the Turkestan region tend to increase, and the amount of annual precipitation tends to decrease, which affects the productivity of agricultural land.

Article Details

Climatology and meteorology
Author Biographies

Zhumakhan Mustafayev, Институт географии и водной безопасности

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Chief Researcher, Laboratory of Landscape Study and Problems of Nature Management

(Institute of Geography of Water Security, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Askhat Tuletayev, КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби

PhD student at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Gulnar Aldazhanova, Institute of Geography and Water Security Science Committee

Researcher, Laboratory of Landscape Study and Problems of Nature Management

(Institute of Geography of Water Security, Almaty, Kazakhstan)



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