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Turana Huseynova


Abstract. Health occupies an important place in the system of indicators determining the quality of life. Issues of improving health indicators are especially relevant for the Greater Caucasus province, which plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the Azerbaijan Republic and has a high standard of living, demographic and labor potential. The territorial organization of health care in the Greater Caucasus province, environmental peculiarities and their impact on the quality of life have been studied. On the basis of statistical materials the indicators of disease spread among the population living in the region are studied. Atmospheric air pollution is mainly responsible for the spread of infectious diseases, so the relationship between them has been studied. The relationship between the human development index and the environment and its impact on the quality of life has been studied. It is found that the amount of waste from stationary sources in the region has decreased. Air pollution directly affects the health of the population. Thus, the low amount of waste emitted into the atmosphere corresponds to high values of the Human Development Index. More precisely, the correlation between them is negative, and the coefficient of determination is equal to 0.857, i.e. the dependence is determined at the level of 85%.

Article Details

Economic geography
Author Biography

Turana Huseynova, Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Institute of Geography

Researcher, doctoral student (Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Institute of Geography, Baku, Azerbaijan


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