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Karlygash Kalieva
Alina Vagapova
Madina Nabiollina
Bibigul Botantayeva


A methodology has been developed for assessing and assigning a coefficient of "infringement" of water supply to irrigated agricultural consumers and natural and economic complexes. The issues of optimizing water distribution in the context of uncertainty of the inflow of water resources are considered. To solve the multipurpose problem, a method was proposed for optimizing water distribution with a criterion condition for limiting the infringement of environmental launches in the interval of low-water and medium-water years. The article discusses the issues of optimizing water distribution in the event of a lack of water inflow. A methodology was developed for assessing and assigning a "infringement" factor for the "pressure" coefficient of water supply to water consumers and natural and economic complexes of irrigated agriculture. The most important negative environmental result is a decrease in runoff both during the year and in the long-term period, as well as an unnatural increase in the cycle of low-water years. The criterion for limiting environmental effluents between low-water and medium-water years has been considered to solve a multipurpose issue. To preserve river ecosystems the most important task at the present stage is the scientific substantiation of the permissible volumes of receiving and establishing the environmental flow of rivers. In addition, this environmental regulation has common properties for all watercourses. However, the ecosystem of each river has its own characteristics and characteristics, which are determined by geographical location, climatic, morphological, hydrological and other conditions. Therefore, depending on the individuality and uniqueness of ecosystems, appropriate research should be carried out for each of them to assess all types of anthropogenic impact factors and the state of the ecosystem.

Article Details

Hydrology and water management
Author Biographies

Karlygash Kalieva, Kazakh National Agrarian Research Uuniversity

PhD (Kazakh National Agrarian Research Uuniversity, Almaty, Kazakhstan,

Alina Vagapova, Kazakh National Agrarian Research Uuniversity

Candidate of technical sciences (Kazakh National Agrarian Research Uuniversity, Almaty, Kazakhstan,

Madina Nabiollina, Kazakh National Agrarian Research Uuniversity

Candidate of agricultural sciences (Kazakh National Agrarian Research Uuniversity, Almaty, Kazakhstan,

Bibigul Botantayeva, Kazakh National Research Technical University named after Satpayev

Candidate of technical sciences

(Kazakh National Research Technical University named after Satpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan,


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Об утверждении Генеральной схемы комплексного использования и охраны водных ресурсов Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 8 апреля 2016 года № 200