Main Article Content

Vitaliy Zhdanov
Nuraily Kuzhagildina
Aidana Kamalbekova
Ulzhan Aldabergen


Based on long-term observations at snow avalanche stations in the vicinity of Almaty, more than 5 thousand snow avalanches have been recorded since 1966. After statistical analysis of the data, the main characteristics of the avalanches were determined and snow and meteorological conditions were analyzed. The average volume of avalanches is 4 thousand m3, but this value is distorted due to the nonparametric distribution law. The median value of the volume of avalanches is 750-800 m3. 50% of cases within the upper and lower quartiles are 250-2500 m3. Catastrophic avalanches of more than 30 thousand m3 account for 3% of cases, and more than 100 thousand m3 only 0.3% of cases. Typical weather conditions during periods of avalanche danger are: snow height on the slopes 80-90 cm, on the meteorological site 50-60 cm, precipitation 15-19 mm, snow growth 25-30 cm. The dominant factors in avalanche formation were the height of the snow cover on the slopes, the amount of snowfall precipitation, snow cover increase, maximum air temperature. Spearman's correlation coefficients were found to be statistically significant for these parameters at the standard 5% significance level (a-level) with a probability of error (p-level) of less than 0.01. The results of factor analysis showed that avalanches are influenced by three groups of predictors: snow depth, precipitation and snow growth, and temperature conditions. Analysis of catastrophic avalanches in the indicator avalanche collection in the Kotyrbulak gorge showed typical conditions for mass avalanches in Ile Alatau in the spring - snow height at the weather site 50 cm, precipitation amount 53 mm, snow increase 28 cm. The agreement criteria we calculated turned out to be statistically significant by 5% level of significance. The standard errors of some data were within the recommended limits of 10%, which indicates the reliability of the results.

Article Details

glaciology and geocryology
Author Biographies

Vitaliy Zhdanov , JSC "Institute of Geography and Water Security"

Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior researcher (Institute of Geography and Water Security
of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan;

Nuraily Kuzhagildina, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, RSE «Kazhydromet»

PhD student, leading researcher (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, RSE «Kazhydromet», Astana, Kazakhstan;

Aidana Kamalbekova , Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Institute of Geography and Water Security

PhD student, junior researcher (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
Institute of Geography and Water Security of the Ministry of Education and
Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan;

Ulzhan Aldabergen , Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Institute of Geography and Water Security

PhD student, junior researcher (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
Institute of Geography and Water Security of the Ministry of Education and Science
of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan;


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