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Gulsara Monkaeyeva


Using the Ile-Balkash basin as an example, changes in evaporation from the water surface over the last 40 years, as well as changes in the main meteorological elements that affect evaporation, are considered. Within the framework of this work, the changes in evaporation from the water surface for 1996-2020 in relation to the previous period of 1980-1995 were assessed. It was established that over the last 20 years, there was a slight increase in evaporation at many lowland stations of the Ile-Balkash basin and it is about 1-10 %. In mountainous areas and near large water areas, such as Balkash and Ulken Almaty Lakes, there is a decrease in evaporation by about 2-9 %. The main factors influencing the change in evaporation values from the water surface were analyzed. It was concluded that the increase in evaporation from the water surface at the lowland stations in the Ile-Balkash basin is mainly due to the increase in air temperature and some increase in precipitation, and the decrease in evaporation in mountainous areas and near a water area is caused by the decrease of average wind speed and an insignificant increase in air humidity.  This study can help support decision making in the agriculture and water resources sector, since evaporation from the water surface is involved in many hydrological, climatic and hydrodynamic models. Therefore, the obtained results can be used in many scientific calculations.

Article Details

Climatology and meteorology
Author Biography

Gulsara Monkaeyeva, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Doctoral student (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan;


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